Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Here's the thing people, we have started a new term in Key Club.
The new officers are:
President - Karl Resurreccion
Vice President - Arlo Insigne
Co-Vice - Boston Alba
Secretary - Jennifer Mendez
Treasurer - Kizzy Dayon
Bulletin Editor - ME! :) [Veronica]

Congrats to all the new officers! I hope you enjoy your term even if it sometimes is a pain! :D
There are two new events this weekend!
Contact Karl; via phone, facebook, or email.
We have a twitter, Facebook, and coming soon...... a website.

And to all my ex-officers, I LOVE you all so much!
You don't know how much I'll miss having you as my coreboard, but times change and so do office positions.

Congrats and until next time :)

much love,