Saturday, August 29, 2009


Hey key clubbers! sorry this is a late update from the meeting!

ok so Saturday, September 5th please go help out at the LA food bank from 8:30-12! :)
You'll need to have a signed waiver here's how to get one :
Just print it our and bring it to the LA food bank on saturday!

Aids walk- october 18th
Register online and join team: Division 3 Key Club 3605
you will get community service hours!

RTC- Mandatory for all OFFICERS! its on september 26th. the attire is business casual! @ burroughs hs 11-4pm

Community service on october 24th @ verdugo hills park

Wake-a-thon in october!

FALL RALLY prices have increased! $35 without a bus and $45 with a bus!
ALSO, if we dont raise enough money for PTP it will increase $5 more!

PTP social event on Monday, september 7th! @ Pan Pacific Park around 10 am :) Bring anybody you want! it will be $5 for everyone. there will be foood and lots of games, so come out and help raise money ! [:

So, thats it for now. If you have any questions contact me or veronica! [:


Monday, August 17, 2009


There is a new Key Club meeting this Thursday (August 20th) for all members at LACC around 3:00pm.
There we'll spend time going over what's rapidly coming up this month and things to follow.
I hope you ALL have been collecting donations for PTP! :)
Don't forget the big DCM is this saturday at Santa Monica Beach from 2-9pm, only part you have to stay for is 2-5pm. But I'll go over it at the meeting :)

For Coreboard members, there is a meeting at the same time and place just on Wednesday (August 19th)!
Make sure to attend!

-Veronica <3

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Meeting Discussions..

So at the meeting I told people about lots of things coming and whatnot, so for those of you who didn't go or went but can't remember I'll type what we talked about. :)

I hope everyone is collecting donations for our PTP Donation Drive!! :D
All you have to do is raise money for PTP (Pediatric Trauma Prevention)
Just as a little incentive, if we don't raise at least $100 our Fall Rally tickets will be $40 instead of $35. And I think we all would want a cheaper ticket! :D
So start getting donations!

This Friday! August 14th- 3-3:30 sweater committee, 3:30-4 coreboard meeting, from 4-5 Santa Monica Beach Clean up
All of the meetings will be at Santa Monica! Hope you can all make it :D

We're helping with a breakfast booth @ Bernstein (on Sunset and Van Ness) for Hollywood Relay For Life at 8am on August 23, a Sunday

August DCM! -- @ Santa Monica Beach from 2-9pm on August 22nd! (we’re bringing cookies)

-Veronica <3

Friday, August 7, 2009


Hey Guys!
So there is a quick meeting on Monday at 2:30 at In-N-Out by our high school!

Also, the volunteering thing at Hollywood Lutheran Church on the 11th is now changed to 3:00pm instead of whenever it was before!
I hope you can make it, if you can call me at 3234203764!

-Veronica (:

Thursday, August 6, 2009


soorrry for the changes ! but instead of the cheer for donations we will just have a community clean up! soo meet up with members that lives near you or if there aren't any just clean up around your neighborhood and let veronica know how long you did it for! [:



Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The lemonade stand is a no can do.
Sorry guys, but instead we're going to have a table down by Santa Monica Beach that day for donations.
We're going to be doing Cheers 4 Donations, for this we'll be doing a key club cheer for each donation they put in.
It will be from 1-3!
And the beach is right there afterwards!
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you can make it!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August Meeting Update!

Hey Key Clubbers! Here's what went on for the August meeting:

-We will have a lemonade stand on August 7th from 11-3pm at Ralphs on 3rd and la brea.

-PTP donation drive! Due at the end of the month. Keep collecting money for PTP!

-Set up for a Fund Drive with our Kiwanis Advisor for the USC mobile dental clinic on August 11th @ the Hollywood Lutheran Church on 1733 N New Hampshire at 12.

-On August 14th there will be a few events first at 3-3:30 pm the shirts/sweaters committee will have a meeting. Next from 3:30-4pm there will be a coreboard meeting and finally from 4-5pm there will be a beach clean up.

- August DCM at Santa Monica Beach on August 22nd from 2-9pm!

-We will have a breakfast booth at the new high school on sunset and venice for hollywood relay for fun on August 23rd around 8 am

So, thats it for this month. Also, PLEASE do your best to go to most of the events! If you have any concerns or ideas don't hesitate to either contact me or Veronica [:
